That Pitch will notify you as soon as a Library accepts your track via email and an in-app notification, though when, how often, and the kind of music they decide to accept varies ...
While you can upload music with royalty-free samples from sites such as Splice, Sounds, etc, it will greatly limit the number of libraries willing to represent your work. Librari ...
No, you cannot. Sorry, fam! It's a nightmare to deal with in the music licensing world because there are so many rights holders involved, many of which are typically major labels ...
No, you cannot. Sorry, fam! Sound-a-likes--or cover versions, or tribute songs that sound verrry similar to the original--aren’t accepted by libraries.The original artist, l ...
No, you cannot. Sorry, fam!If you are covering someone else's song, it means the library would need additional legal clearance from them for every single license. Because licenses ...
Viewing Briefs: Help Button: Press the help button on the bottom right of the screen. Navigate to 'Briefs': In the help menu, navigate to 'Briefs'. View Entries: You'll see a ...
No Revisions Required: Take It or Leave It: All tracks are considered "take it or leave it" for libraries. We've negotiated this with every library, so you never have to worry a ...
While it's perfectly fine to reach out to a library to express your appreciation, contacting them for anything other than praise is generally not recommended. Here’s why: Ex ...
Libraries gather your information from the following sources: Writer's Profile:This includes your PRO (Performing Rights Organization) details and other relevant writer inform ...
Non-Exclusive Tracks: Yes When you upload a non-exclusive track to That Pitch, you are guaranteed to get it into a library. Non-exclusive tracks have more flexibility and can be p ...
Yes, all libraries require stems for the tracks they accept. You have the option to upload the stems either before or after your track is accepted, but you must do so promptly. Im ...
Cleared™: Making Sure Your Music is Legally Safe for Sync Cleared™ ( is the system that checks your music for legal issues before it gets pitched to mu ...
No, tracks can’t be removed from YouTube Content ID while staying on That Pitch. This would cause issues if a track is licensed non-exclusively to a library and we can’ ...
You’ll receive an email and in-app notification when your track is placed in a library. However, there isn’t currently a system that can notify you about every individu ...
You'll be notified in two ways: Email Notification:You will receive an email notification informing you that your track has been accepted into a library. In-App Notificat ...
Current Status: Technology Limitation: At this time, the technology to notify you of every sync deal and usage does not exist. However, we are actively working on developing thi ...
Our agreements with non-exclusive libraries are designed to be as flexible as possible, allowing you to work with any other non-exclusive libraries. If you have concerns about a co ...
What is YouTube Content ID? YouTube Content ID is a tool YouTube uses to find and manage copyrighted music. It scans videos for registered tracks to make sure everything is leg ...
You don’t need to worry about manually pitching your tracks to briefs anymore. With our auto-pitching system, any track you upload will automatically be pitched to the briefs ...
No, there's no problem. It can take varying amounts of time for a library to publish your music. Here's what you need to know: Timing Varies: The speed at which a library upload ...
When a library describes itself as "royalty-free," it's primarily a marketing term. Here’s what it means: YouTube Safe: It assures YouTubers and content creators that thei ...