Libraries gather your information from the following sources:
Writer's Profile:
This includes your PRO (Performing Rights Organization) details and other relevant writer information. -
Artist Profile:
This encompasses your artist name, branding, and any additional details you've provided. -
Track Information:
All metadata and details associated with your uploaded tracks.
Additional Information:
If a library requires more specific information or files, you will be notified via email and in-app notification. These notifications will guide you on what additional information or files you need to provide to the library.
Exclusive Tracks:
For exclusive tracks, you will need to sign a separate contract for each track accepted by a library (which will be included in an email & in-app notification. It's very easy, and takes ~30 seconds to sign). Keep in mind that you pre-authorize your tracks for an exclusive deal when you upload your tracks. If you fail to sign the contract or decide to back out, you risk being blacklisted in the music library world.
By ensuring all your profiles and track information are complete and accurate, you help libraries seamlessly gather the data they need to manage and promote your music effectively.