Can I Remove My Tracks from YouTube Content ID but Keep Them on That Pitch?

  1. Overview
  2. The Basics
  3. Library Distribution
  4. Can I Remove My Tracks from YouTube Content ID but Keep Them on That Pitch?

No, tracks can’t be removed from YouTube Content ID while staying on That Pitch. This would cause issues if a track is licensed non-exclusively to a library and we can’t clear it for Content ID.

What Are My Options?

  1. Remove the Track Completely: This will remove your track from That Pitch, all libraries, and YouTube Content ID.

  2. Preferred Option: When a track is licensed outside of That Pitch, just fill out the license form for Content ID clearance. This lets you stay in our libraries and still work with other clients.

We strongly recommend the second option to maximize your opportunities while maintaining control over external licenses.