How Much Do Libraries & PRO's Pay Per License?

  1. Overview
  2. Getting Paid
  3. Earnings Details
  4. How Much Do Libraries & PRO's Pay Per License?

The short answer, it varies.

The rates libraries pay aren't up to us -- and we have no control over changing them. We only have control whether or not we decide to work with a Library. Each Library goes through a thorough financial evaluation before we begin distributing to them. Once they are approved to work with That Pitch, from there forward - we just send along the exact amounts to you, that libraries send to us. PRO's send along the exact amount that they collect from customers of those libraries. That Pitch has and always will pass on 100% of the earnings that libraries send us for your music, minus banking fees/legal fees/applicable taxes. 💯

Why do licenses & royalties vary?

There are many factors that libraries & PRO's use to calculate what you’re owed, and rate calculations vary from library to library. Some things that libraries & PRO's use to calculate rates include (but are not limited to):

  • quantity of licenses

  • territory in which it was licensed

  • territory of the customer
  • territory of the library
  • media in which it was used
  • duration of the license
  • subscription or a la carte

  • non-exclusive or exclusive

Every library and every PRO operates differently

Because of all of the variables, there are quite literally millions of variations that would determine what you could get paid for a license. To learn more about how we go about deciding to work with a library, check out this article.

The golden rule? Make a lot of music

Frankly, you will never know what song will get licensed a lot and which won't. Make a lot of music. Upload it all. It's no different than on social media. People who post regularly, get more followers. The one thing in common with our members who do this full time is: they make a lot of music.