Can I Upload Retitled Tracks to That Pitch?

  1. Overview
  2. Uploading
  3. Uploading a Track
  4. Can I Upload Retitled Tracks to That Pitch?

Historical Context:

  • What Retitling Tracks Used to Be: In the past, some musicians would retitle their tracks to make extra money. This meant giving the same track different names and submitting it to multiple libraries. Because audio tracking technology was less advanced back then, it was harder for libraries and film companies to detect that the same track was being sold under different titles.
  • Why It Happened: This practice allowed musicians to earn more royalties from multiple sources, at the expense of libraries and film companies who were unaware they were licensing the same track multiple times under different titles.

Why It's a Bad Idea Today:

  • Improved Tracking Technology: Nowadays, audio tracking technology is highly advanced, making it easy to detect if the same track has been retitled and submitted under different names.
  • Considered Fraudulent: Retitling tracks is considered fraudulent because it deceives libraries and film companies into believing they are licensing unique content.
  • Legal Consequences: Engaging in this practice can lead to serious legal repercussions, including lawsuits and being blacklisted in the industry.

Our Measures:

  • We use to verify all tracks, which will catch any attempts at retitling. If you try to upload retitled tracks, will flag it. 
  • Notification and Tracking: If you repeatedly attempt to retitle tracks, we will be notified and keep tabs on your account for legal reasons.
  • Track Blocking: On the unbelievably off chance that a retitled track were to get through, and it got licensed, it would cause huge legal problems for you. Therefore, any track identified as retitled will be blocked from the platform.

Bottom Line:

Never upload retitled tracks to That Pitch. It’s a dishonest practice that will be caught by and can result in serious consequences, including legal action and blacklisting. Stick to ethical practices to ensure your music career stays on the right track and maintains a good reputation.