If you made a withdrawal in the previous fiscal year, you'll receive your tax information from money@thatpitch.com.
- 1099-MISC Forms will be available for U.S. based users by March 15th.
- 1042-S Forms will be available for Non-U.S. based users by March 15th.
If you updated your tax information multiple times in the same fiscal year, each distinct payee will receive separate forms for the withdrawals taken under their validated tax identity.
You may be directed to download your documents from Trolley. Trolley is the 3rd party payouts processor & ID verification company we use to disburse payments.
That Pitch does not provide W-2 forms at this time.
Please note that That Pitch can't provide any information about taxes, or anything related to taxes, tax forms, tax withholding, etc. We know that this stuff can be confusing, so if you do have any questions about anything tax-related, please contact a tax professional who will be able to provide advice and explanations to help you out.