That Pitch cannot give tax advice, so we must state that this is not tax advice. Please consult a tax professional if you have any questions about the information here.
If your country of tax residency is not in the United States, up to 30% of your earnings may be subject to tax withholding. If there is a tax treaty between your country and the United States, and if you qualify for the benefits of that treaty, withholding may be reduced or eliminated.
Depending on the rules and regulations in your country of tax residence, you may be able to credit some or all of the United States tax withheld (if any) against your taxes.
A detailed list of applicable withholding rates per country can be found at the bottom of the section entitled “How Trolley calculates tax withholding” here:
You can view the US's individual tax treaty with your country here:
These instructions don’t constitute tax advice. Please consult with your tax advisor before completing a tax form.